Paving the road to a sustainable future

Paving the road to a sustainable future

Northern Beaches Council is trialling a novel waste recycling solution that transforms materials collected from beaches and streets into sustainable road surfacing material, dramatically reducing waste going to landfill and slashing dumping costs.In a year to June 2020, Council’s recycling partner Downer has collected and processed 1,137 tonnes of street sweeping and beach waste material, and diverted over 95 per cent from landfill, to be reused for sustainable road construction and other activities.Council has also saved nearly $83,000 on landfill disposal costs during the 12-month trial.Materials from Council’s street sweeping and beach raking services are collected and transported to Downer’s Rosehill Detritus Facility, part of Downer’s ‘Reconomy’ business, and sorted to filter sand, aggregates, organic matter and metals.Sand and gravel obtained from this process are used as part of the asphalt to be used on the road networks from where the material originated.This process is claimed to be capable of recycling up to 95 per cent of the incoming material stream.According to Downer, the waste material collected from the Council area has resulted in approximately five kilometres of road made with transformed asphalt.
Northern Beaches Council
29 Oct 2020
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New Warriewood Community Centre moves a step closer

New Warriewood Community Centre moves a step closer

Warriewood Valley, once known for its rural land and market gardens, is a growing community on the Northern Beaches.
Northern Beaches Council
28 Oct 2020
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Recognition galore for Northern Beaches Council

Recognition galore for Northern Beaches Council

It’s been a busy year and October has been fruitful month for Northern Beaches Council with staff and teams being recognised for the incredible work they do.From Hall of Fame inductees to Excellence A…
Northern Beaches Council
28 Oct 2020
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Helping local cafes reduce waste and save money

Helping local cafes reduce waste and save money

Are you a local cafe looking for ways to reduce waste and save money?
Northern Beaches Council
28 Oct 2020
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Northern Beaches to become a mountain biking mecca

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Northern Beaches Council
28 Oct 2020
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Local bushwalks tracing Aboriginal history

Local bushwalks tracing Aboriginal history

As the weather warms up and we emerge from our blanket cocoons, Aboriginal Heritage Office highlights some bushwalks around the Northern Beaches showcasing Aboriginal significant sites.
Northern Beaches Council
26 Oct 2020
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Our local schools are waste warriors

Our local schools are waste warriors

Northern Beaches’ War on Waste Our Northern Beaches community is passionate about the environment – and none more so than the eco-conscious students...
Northern Beaches Council
23 Oct 2020
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Getting into the swim of fitness at Warringah Aquatic Centre

Getting into the swim of fitness at Warringah Aquatic Centre

If getting fit or keeping active is on your to-do list this spring and summer, come and join us at Warringah Aquatic Centre.
Northern Beaches Council
23 Oct 2020
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Our local primary schools are waste warriors

Our local primary schools are waste warriors

Northern Beaches’ War on Waste Our Northern Beaches community is passionate about the environment – and none more so than the eco-conscious students...
Northern Beaches Council
23 Oct 2020
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