We know they’re a nuisance, but Mozzies aren’t going anywhere so we have to learn to live with them and take appropriate measures to ensure we don’t get bitten.While we have experienced higher than average rainfall this summer due to La Niña, these are the perfect conditions for mosquitos to multiply and have meant numbers are up on previous years.For the third year, Council has partnered with NSW Health trapping mosquitoes at key locations on the Beaches (Warriewood Wetlands and Deep Creek near the Narrabeen Lagoon trail) to monitor the numbers and types present and most importantly ensure they are not the ones transmitting viral infections.Thankfully, the two key species (Culex annulirostris, Aedes vigilax) that are associated with transmitting Ross River Virus or Barmah Forest virus have only been present on the Northern Beaches in low numbers when compared to the total number of mosquito’s caught.Read on to see how you can protect yourself and your family from getting bitten and how to reduce optimal breeding conditions for mosquitoes in your backyard.
Northern Beaches Council
14 Feb 2022
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