Lord Mayor Clover Moore has strongly condemned a video circulating on social media that shows a City ranger being intimidated and verbally abused while doing his job.
This afternoon, the City of Sydney announced it would be cancelling or postponing all non-essential events and in-person meetings, closing gyms and aquatic centres and placing restricted hours on libr…
悉尼市政府慷慨拨款总值$100万澳元,让悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney 简称:UTS)向实现缔造澳大利亚首家为土著民族和托雷斯海峡岛学生设立高等院校寄宿校址的目标迈进了一大步。 该款项将为土著民族和托雷斯海峡岛背景及非土著民族学生建设可容纳250个床位的高等院校生寄宿设施。竣工后将有望成为全世界同类院校中规模最大的校址。 该院校将凸显土著民族特色和文化…
In light of the evolving worldwide health emergency, the City of Sydney and C40 Cities have made the difficult decision to postpone the Sydney Climate Action Summit.
Australia’s first university residential college for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students is a step closer, thanks to a $1 million City of Sydney grant to the University of Technology Sydney…
A million dollar grant from the City of Sydney will help transform an inner-city crisis accommodation centre with upgraded rooms and facilities, providing access to critical services for people experi…
A City of Sydney-backed month long food festival is calling on Sydneysiders to hit the streets and show their support for local bars, cafes, restaurants and retailers.