The City of Sydney has confirmed a multi-million dollar sponsorship for one of Sydney's most celebrated live music venues as it prepares to mark its 20th anniversary.
You’re invited to be part of Sydney’s future, where robotics, cleantech, artificial intelligence and augmented reality will all play a role in everyday life.
悉尼市政府荣获澳大利亚国家人力资源大奖,捧得"女性首选单位"和"多元、包容性工作场所"的称号。 市政府领取了2019年澳大利亚人力资源奖最佳工作场所多元化和包容性类别奖章(Australian HR Award for Best Workplace Diversity and Inclusion Program)。多年来市政府都在为营造具有包容性的工作环境而不懈努力…