今年,南半球澳大利亚的春季,悉尼骑行节(Sydney Rides)将以更隆重、更庞大的阵容推出40多场亲子活动,以自行车骑行为主题在悉尼市内开拓别开生面的城市探索体验。 2019年第八届骑行节将在三个月的时间里开展如:骑行旅游团、各类讲习班、骑行上班日(Ride to Work day)、摄影展赛、悉尼海港大桥大型骑行等多样活动。 悉尼市市长Clover Moore表示,悉尼骑行节将在2019年以…
Sydney Rides will be bigger than ever, with more than 40 family friendly events celebrating bikes and urban adventure being held across the City of Sydney this Spring.
The NSW Government is funding the construction of four new City of Sydney cycleways, to improve safety and cycling ease for the growing number of people riding to the city centre.