Council is currently developing a range of initiatives to support the night time economy that will enhance social wellbeing, boost local businesses and provide jobs in the Wollondilly Shire. Read more about 'Initiatives to improve Wollondilly’s night time economy under way'...
Council has moved to update its management model for sportsgrounds and Council facilities; improving community involvement in future planning, easing the burden on volunteers and streamlining the cust…
Wollondilly Shire Council will not lose any momentum in the implementation of the Dudley Chesham Sportsground Master Plan, with the next stage of the plan discussed and prioritised at Tuesday… Read mo…
At the first Ordinary Council meeting for 2025, Wollondilly Shire Council has adopted a refreshed Community Engagement Strategy for the 2024-2028 term, with a commitment to further engaging with the… …
With new forecasts showing an expected increase in school students over the next 10 years in the Wollondilly Shire, the timeline for a new high school has now become urgent.
The much-awaited Tahmoor District Sporting Complex – Phase 2 – Western sporting fields upgrade and carpark has officially been opened with a gathering of government and Council representatives, member…