The Greater Macarthur Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been endorsed for public exhibition at Tuesday night’s Council meeting, with community members now able to have their say on the strategy.
In a Mayoral Minute at Tuesday night’s Council meeting Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould addressed resident concerns about dust impacts from development activities across the Shire, resolving to take steps…
As Wollondilly Shire Council seeks to further engage with the community as part of its decision-making processes, Council is reviewing its Community Engagement Strategy for the 2024-2028 term and has……
As Wollondilly Shire Council seeks to further engage with the community as part of its decision-making processes, Council is reviewing its Community Engagement Strategy for the 2024-2028 term and has……
In a Mayoral Minute at Tuesday night’s Council meeting Wollondilly Mayor Matt Gould addressed resident concerns about dust impacts from development activities across the Shire, resolving to take steps…
At the first Ordinary Meeting of the newly elected Council on Tuesday night, Councillors endorsed the 2024 State of the Shire Report, which highlighted the significant progress made to address communi…
The Greater Macarthur Health and Wellbeing Strategy has been endorsed for public exhibition at Tuesday night’s Council meeting, with community members now able to have their say on the strategy.
Wollondilly residents have been invited to share their thoughts on waste services, facilities and ways of reducing landfill as Council prepares to draft its Waste Management and Resource Recovery Stra…
Wollondilly’s newly formed Council was sworn in during Tuesday night’s Extraordinary Meeting, with a celebratory atmosphere prevailing during the acceptance speeches and Councillors expressing their c…