Four new basketball facilities across the Darwin municipality will provide additional recreation spaces in our suburbs for families, youth and basketball lovers to enjoy.
News: IGA Supermarket Alternatives Find out where to get your essential in the next few weeks Posted: Friday, 17 July 2020 As the IGA recovers from the devastating fire we have identified alternat…
Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) decided to celebrate NAIDOC week on the original dates in July rather than in hot November like the rest of Australia. On Tuesday 7 July in Nyirripi, Ben Gallagh…
8 July 2020 Trailblazer Kathleen Abbott steps up as first Aboriginal Manager Service Delivery, Local Authority supports creative youth projects in Hermannsburg, Cross-generational picnic at Docker Ri…
News: New Careers Portal Join the team Posted: Wednesday, 8 July 2020 Thanks to the hard work and vision of our People and Culture Team here at the council we are proud to show off our new careers…