On Sunday 1 December at Alice Springs Basketball Stadium, the Ti-Tree women’s basketball team played a nail biting game in the grand final of the Southern Cup Basketball Tournament against MacDonnell …
City of Darwin’s efforts to increase the number of animal registrations across the municipality are paying dividends, with more than 85% of animals registered in a recent audit.
The old Night Patrol Office building in Lajamanu has been refurbished and transformed into a new library space for Central Desert Regional Council (CDRC) with funding from Libraries NT. The renovation…
City of Darwin is offering free on-street parking in the CBD for the Christmas and New Year period again this holiday season, starting on Monday 9 December and continuing over the Christmas and New Ye…
Nyirripi held a football carnival on 1-3 November with Willowra and Yuendumu sending both men’s and women’s teams to participate, while Nyirripi fielded two men’s and a women’s team.Central Desert Reg…
The Lord Mayor’s Climate Emergency Forum held today has been declared a success, with more than 100 business leaders and community members attending and a consensus reached on the urgency of action to…
News: Green Waste Collection From 16 - 20 December 2019 Posted: Thursday, 5 December 2019 There will be a collection of Green Waste Only from street verges commencing from Monday 16 Dec till Frid…