Nestled among red sand dunes on the edge of the Simpson Desert, Titjikala’s 200 residents were honoured and extremely happy on Friday night to learn their community received the Heritage and...
20 February 2015 A contingent of MacDonnell Regional Council staff from Titjikala is set to travel to Sheffield in Tasmania to represent the Northern Territory in the Keep Australia Beautiful Tidy Tow…
Territory Tidy Towns awards presentation night consolidated for our leaders, the level of staff achievement they had seen grow steadily over the years. Among the winners from our communities...
15 December 2014 After being named Territory Tidy Town for a second successive year, the MacDonnell Regional Council community of Titjikala is set to celebrate the best way they know how – around a ba…
10 December 2014 After being named Territory Tidy Town for a second successive year, the MacDonnell Regional Council community of Titjikala is set to celebrate the best way they know how – with its re…
14 November 2014 MacDonnell Regional Council advises that its Annual Report for the financial year ended 30 June 2014 is available at their public office on the corner of South Terrace and Bagot Stree…
MacDonnell Regional Council goes from strength to strength as it continues to bring improvement to its residents’ quality of life. This was recognised again on Friday night at the Territory Tidy...
20 October 2014 Communities named include the reigning Territory Tidy Towns winner, Titjikala along with its Simpson Desert neighbour, Finke as well as Haasts Bluff, from within the West MacDonnell Ra…
20 October 2014 As we continue to improve the standards of our services across the MacDonnell Regional Council, some recent activities have seen a single theme emerge: MacDonnell is a great place fo…