4 September 2014 MacDonnell Regional Council’s Margaret Harrison is one of five national finalists in the 2014 HESTA* Australian Early Childhood Education and Care Awards.
Indigenous staff at Amoonguna and Titjikala have this week begun a traineeship to acquire their Certificate 2 in Rural Operations. Santa Teresa staff are due to commence their traineeships on...
27 June 2014 MacDonnell Regional Council advises that its adopted Regional Plan, including budget estimates for the 2014/15 financial year, is available online or from its Public Office...
1 April 2014 After being named the Territory Tidy Town winner last year, the community of Titjikala has been looking forward to the national awards that were held in Victor Harbour early this month.Th…
31 March 2014 The Minister for Community Services will visit the Northern Territory’s tidiest community, after having presented Titjikala and the MacDonnell Regional Council with ranging awards includ…
Contact corner Bagot Street and South Terrace Alice Springs Northern Territory Mail PO Box 5267 Alice Springs NT 0871 Email [email protected] Local call 1300 360 959 Phone 08 8958 9600 Fax 08 …
1 March 2014 After an absence of many years and following the recent changes making us a Regional Council the Minister for Local Government visited the MacDonnell Council last month.