Charters Towers Regional Council has today made a decision to relinquish its role as proponent, developer, owner and operator of the Big Rocks Weir Project (BRW) to the State Government.

Council’s original aim was to build and operate a weir in the Big Rocks area, located on the Burdekin River approximately 35km north of Charters Towers.

The goal of the project is to create a new water source to support the growth of irrigated agriculture and enhance water security for the Charters Towers region.

In July 2021, Council signed a Funding Deed with the State Government, for the Pre-Construction phase of the project, which stipulated specific milestones whereby Council could seek reimbursement for costs expended during the Pre-Construction phase. Now that this phase is reaching its conclusion Council believes that the State government is best placed to advance the project through to completion.

Charters Towers Regional Council Mayor Liz Schmidt said that this is the best decision for the success of the project.

“Going forward, with the aim being the delivery of this project to our region, we as a Council strongly believe that this will be in the best interests of the project and the community.

“This decision will mitigate the significant financial and operational risks of the project for the Council.

“Council will continue to work with the State Government and support the project moving onward to ensure the community’s needs remain at the forefront.

“If the time comes that the project moves to the construction phase, we as a Council will, as a significant stakeholder, be given a position on any advisory or governance committee established.

“Council is hopeful that this is a smooth transfer, and the project keeps moving forward and is achieved within a reasonable timeframe.”