Council pays tribute to King’s Birthday Honours recipients
Redland City Council 19 Jul 2024

Redland City Council has acknowledged the significant achievements of three Redlands Coast residents who were recently named in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours.

Betty Taylor, Kevin Hughes and Merrill Ovenden were formally acknowledged by Mayor Jos Mitchell in the July general meeting of council.

“Betty, Kevin and Merrill are all outstanding residents who have given so much,” she said.

“I’m pleased to see them being recognised for their hard work and dedication in their chosen fields.

“They join an inspiring list of people whose actions have set them apart and enriched our community.

“On behalf of Redland City Council and the community, I congratulate them and thank them for everything they have done – both on Redlands Coast and beyond.”

The Redlands Coast recipients of 2024 King’s Birthday Honours are:

Betty Taylor

Betty Taylor was named a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for significant service to the community through domestic violence initiatives and organisations.

Betty is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Red Rose Foundation, a national not-for-profit charity formed in 2016 that works to address the damaging impact of domestic violence.

She was a founding member of the Domestic Violence Death Review Action Group Queensland in 2004 and was a member for 11 years.

She also has been a committee member of the Australian Institute for Strangulation Prevention since 2018 and is a past-chair of the Queensland Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Council.

She co-founded the Gold Coast Domestic Violence Integrated Response in 1996, was founding manager of the Gold Coast Domestic Violence Prevention Centre for 13 years from 1992 and has been a board member of the Gold Coast Centre Against Sexual Violence since 2016.

Betty has been a long-time supporter of Council’s Diner en Rouge events, which have raised funds for local domestic and family violence services on Redlands Coast, and has been involved in Council’s Candle Lighting Vigil for many years.

Betty has previously been recognised with a Centenary Medal, a Churchill Fellowship, a Queensland Greats Award, and was named on Queensland’s inaugural Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Honour Roll. 

Kevin Hughes

Kevin Hughes received a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to the community through a range of organisations.

Kevin has been a Queensland Fire and Emergency Services volunteer, on and off, since 1985. He has also volunteered with the State Emergency Service for about 20 years and is currently a member of the Macleay Island Rural Fire Brigade.

He has been a veteran advocate and volunteer with the Department of Veterans’ Affairs for 18 years and is a community ambassador with Bravery Trust, a national military charity that provides financial aid, financial education, and financial counselling.

Kevin is also an ambassador for both White Ribbon Australia and the Australia and New Zealand Mental Health Association and is a community presenter for Black Dog Institute.

He is a passionate advocate for Australian wildlife and in 2018 founded Endangered Species Supporters Australia to raise awareness of Australian native species heading towards extinction.

Redland City Council recognised Kevin with the Environment and Sustainability Award at the 2024 Redlands Coast Australia Day Awards. He is also the recipient of a Bravery Medal, a National Medal and the Australian Defence Medal.

Merrill Ovenden

Merrill Ovenden received a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for service to youth through Scouts.

She has been volunteering with Birkdale Scout Group since 1969. During that time, she has been an Assistant Cub Scout Leader, Cub Scout Leader, Joey Scout Leader, Group Leader and Assistant Group Leader.

She has also been involved with Scouts at the district level. She was an inaugural member and volunteer with Redlands Review, was District Cub Scout Leader for seven years, and has been Redlands District Activity Leader since 2020.

She was a member of Brisbane Gang Show for 36 years, volunteered at 13 Australian Scout Jamborees and is a former area leader for Scouts Queensland’s South Area.

Merrill and Rob Ovenden Park, where Birkdale Scout Group is based, was named in honour of Merill and her husband.

Redland City Council provides a suite of services to 166,873 residents and more than 63,000 residential households across Redlands Coast. Our naturally wonderful city on Quandamooka Country is home to more than 335 kilometres of coastline, six island communities and 12 mainland suburbs.