Details Last Updated: Friday, 19 July 2024 13:07 Published: Friday, 19 July 2024 01:05

Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) has initiated a Healthy Community Survey as part of an evaluation of The Change Project.

The Change Project provides residents access to a wide range of low-cost activities while encouraging a healthy and active lifestyle.

TRC Parks and Recreation Services portfolio spokesperson Councillor Tim McMahon said the program was now in its 10th year and Council felt this was a good time to have an independent third-party evaluate the program’s effectiveness and benefit to the community.

“The evaluation of the program will be undertaken by Enable Health Consulting who will present their findings and help inform the future planning of the program across the Toowoomba Region,” Cr McMahon said.

“Since inception, the program has grown from an initial 6000 attendances to nearly 88,000 in 2024,” he said.

“The program really does deliver something for everyone, offering low-cost initiatives across from gentle exercise and low impact to high intensity group fitness and Park runs.

“All of this is done in a supportive environment that aims to increase physical activity participation, healthy eating practices and positive mental wellbeing.”

Cr McMahon called on the community to participate in the evaluation survey.

“The survey will provide current and potential program participants an opportunity to share what healthy living means to them as well as their experiences with The Change Project as well as any obstacles that may limit involvement,” he said.

“We are very focused on providing the community with the tools to live a more active and healthier lifestyle.”

The survey is open and available on Council’s Have Your Say page at and closes on Monday, August 26. Survey participants will also be eligible to go in the draw to win a $150 Coles gift card.

Enquiries relating to the survey can be directed to Enable Health Consulting on [email protected], with all other enquiries directed to Council at 131 872 or [email protected].

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