Council is cutting more red tape to get more houses on the ground faster.In July 2023, Council launched the first phase of its Express DA program to streamline and accelerate assessment of low-risk and uncomplicated development applications.With a focus on houses, dual occupancies and building works in the low density, low-medium density and medium density residential zones, the initiative has been successful in facilitating faster approvals for low-risk applications, reducing unnecessary congestion and delays, and encouraging consistency and quality in development outcomes.Council has now moved to expand the Express DA program, which continues to commit to deliver eligible approvals within 10 business days of lodgement, far quicker than the 35 business days available under the Planning Act.Notably, average approval timeframes of six business days have been achieved under the Express DA initiative, and there has been positive feedback in regard to the efficiency and simplicity of the process.Mayor Amy Eden said the expansion of this initiative is aimed at further improving efficiencies, delivering accelerated approval times, and unlocking delivery of housing across the region.“This expansion builds on the lessons learned from Phase 1, acts on the feedback we have received, reduce bottlenecks, and further facilitate sustainable growth our region,” Cr Eden said.“It is about streamlining approvals and facilitating the faster delivery of much-needed housing delivery to support growth.”Under Phase 2 of the Express DA initiative, eligibility criteria has been broadened to capture additional zoning, expansion of eligibility criteria, and the introduction of additional and development types being access crossovers and driveways, and excavation and filling up to 50 cubic metres.The expanded criteria reflect Council’s ongoing commitment to facilitating high-quality development outcomes while maintaining the integrity of the planning system.Importantly, this initiative has been in consultation with the industry.Phase 2 of the Express DA program will officially launch on 6 January 2025.
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