Later this year, Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) will undertake smoke testing in sewer pipes to improve sewerage systems in parts of Toowoomba, Crows Nest, Highfields and Meringandan, decreasing the risk of sewerage overflows and pumping inefficiencies.
As part of an annual maintenance schedule, between Tuesday 6 May to Saturday 2 August, a selective inspection program of sewer smoke testing will be undertaken to identify locations where stormwater may be entering the sewerage system through damaged pipes and illegal stormwater connections.
Portfolio and spokesperson for Water Infrastructure Services Cr Bill Cahill said the testing of sewerage systems allows defects to be identified so they can be rectified before they become serious issues.
“It is important Council keeps up with maintaining our sewerage infrastructure. The last thing anybody wants is problems to go undetected causing sewerage to overflow in our backyards or streets”, said Cr Cahill.
During recent rain events, a high level of stormwater infiltration in sewerage systems has been recorded in select areas, causing sewer overflows and localised overloading of the network. The locations recently recording high levels of stormwater infiltration will be areas of focus in the upcoming testing.
Historically newer sub-divisions have had the highest level of identified issues which reinforces the need for ongoing testing in newly developed areas.
Last year’s inspection program included the testing of approximately 40kms of pipe with 28 total issues identified, 18 of which were found in newer subdivisions.
TRC will notify residents if their property it to be included in this year’s inspections at least 14 days prior to the inspection program starting.
The selective inspection program includes a combination of works such as smoke testing of sewer pipes and house drains, inspections of house drain connections and manholes, and CCTV inspections of sewer pipes to identify possible issues.
“If your house or business has a defect found in its drainage system, Council will notify you as the property owner and kindly request the fault is fixed by a licensed plumber”, said Cr Cahill.
The smoke used in the testing process is non-toxic, non-staining and has no odour. The smoke should not enter any homes or businesses unless the property has plumbing issues.
If you have any concerns regarding the smoke testing program, please contact TRC’s Customer Service Call Centre on 131 872.
Photo caption: Council water infrastructure maintenance crews opening a sewerage manhole in preparation for inspection.