They’re downright annoying, hard to stop, and can transmit diseases.We’re talking about mosquitoes, and even though Redland City Council’s extensive Mosquito Management Program keeps the mosquito population as low as it can, it is impossible to eliminate them completely from Redlands Coast.That’s where residents can help, said Redland City Mayor Jos Mitchell.“With the amount of rain we’ve had and are predicted to have this summer, combined with the hot temperatures, it is prime breeding conditions for mosquitoes,” she said.“Council’s Mosquito Management Team delivers a year-round, best practice Mosquito Management Program – investigating known breeding sites and conducting aerial and ground treatments as required.“They cover nearly 10,000 hectares of land annually using helicopters, quad bikes and drones.“The program treats mosquitoes in their larval form in targeted areas where they breed, such as saltmarsh and freshwater locations throughout the city.“While the treatments are effective, it’s impossible to find or treat all breeding locations as mosquitoes are capable of breeding in very small pools of water.”Council conducts aerial treatments for mosquitoes as required.Mosquitoes are considered a designated pest under the Public Health Act 2005.
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