Aussie Helpers urge Queenslanders to 'buy' an Ekka...

Aussie Helpers urge Queenslanders to 'buy' an Ekka...

It would have been People's Day at the Ekka today, Wednesday, one of the best opportunities rural producers have to showcase the fruits of their labours in front of the urban public.Instead, the lanes are empty and all those producers are at home, unable to share their story and efforts for the second year in a row.Tash Kocks, the CEO of rural charity Aussie Helpers, is hoping that the goodwill that is usually generated by the event can be channelled into a 'showbag' of donations for their ongoing work instead, via an online portal."It's not just about the amount of money raised, although that always goes to the places that need it most," she said.
Boulia Shire Council
12 Aug 2021
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Western bevies...

Western bevies...

A new brewing company has begun distributing in the Central West....
Boulia Shire Council
11 Aug 2021
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