Caretaker’s house for Boulia Racecourse Reserve...

Caretaker’s house for Boulia Racecourse Reserve...

 THE Boulia Shire Council is in the process of constructing a new caretaker’s house for its Racecourse Reserve, with the caretakers set to receive much-needed comforts such as a dishwashing machine and LED lights.  The house comes after the council received funding received under the COVID Works for Queensland program. The house will be reconstructed on top of the current site, the council had earmarked a separate site within the Racecourse Reserve grounds, however, the newer site had been deemed to be too high at risk of flooding and would be too costly to be built within the guidelines of the Boulia Shire Council adopted Town Planning Scheme. Director of Operations Harin Karra said the current caretaker’s house was more than 70 years old and despite the council keeping it maintained they believed it had hit the end of its life.  “For a couple of years, we’ve been planning to construct a new house for the caretakers,” he said.  “It’s very important to have the caretakers live there to look after all the facilities and organics and cattle who could come at any time.” He said the new house will have three bedrooms and a nice big verandah.  “The floor area will be 140 metres squared, it’s a big house,” he said.  “It is costing more than $400,000. “But the full costs will be covered by COVID Works for Queensland.” He said the old house was missing technologies most houses have today and has deteriorated beyond repair.  “It’s 70 years old and has asbestos, the health and wellbeing of the staff members living there [must be considered],” he said.  The caretakers have been provided temporary accommodation from the council while the new house is being built.   
Boulia Shire Council
31 Jul 2021
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