The tiny remote town of Boulia on the edge of the Simpson Desert saw its population swell from 300 to 3000 this weekend as people from across the country came to watch camels hurtle down the track at the 24th annual Boulia Camel Races.With a $45,000 prize pool up for grabs with new partner, Thirsty Camel Bottle Shops, the enthusiasm for the Melbourne Cup of camel racing was at an all time high.The longest, toughest and most prestigious of camel races unfolded like clockwork with a record number of travellers making the epic trek.With everything on offer from racing, placing odds, live entertainment, comedy including the Crack-up Sisters, novelty races, camp oven cooking, children's amusement rides, fireworks, the Great Australian ride-on lawn-mower race, yabby races and helicopter joy flights it was an action packed weekend.
Boulia Shire Council
20 Jul 2021
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