Charters Towers Regional Council is showing its commitment to community by advocating for a Regional University Study Hub which will require the support of a working group to drive the project.
Charters Towers Regional Council has today made a decision to relinquish its role as proponent, developer, owner and operator of the Big Rocks Weir Project (BRW) to the State Government.
Charters Towers Regional Council adopted the 2024-25 Budget at its Statutory Budget Meeting held today. The detailed budget incorporates strategic funding distributions for significant projects desig…
Charters Towers Regional Council's Mayor and Councillors have taken a significant step towards upholding their duties and responsibilities to the community by making a written commitment to their …
Charters Towers Regional Council are on the hunt for their next Camp Host, willing to extend their stay in Charters Towers and call the local Showgrounds their home during the upcoming tourist season.
Charters Towers Regional Council has opened Round 1 of the Community Grants Programme, designed to empower and support community-driven projects that benefit the Charters Towers Region.