The Adelaide Hills is normally one of Australia's prime destinations for lovers of spectacular autumn foliage but thanks to COVID-19 you'll need to enjoy the show from the comfort of your couch this y…
Although the South Eastern Freeway is a quick and convenient way to head to the hills from Adelaide, take a different route along Greenhill Road to discover picturesque vistas, winery cellar doors and…
Community Consultation is now open for the following projects: Expression of Interest - SA Wooden Boat Festival Committee Chairperson and General Committee Members | Closes 5pm, Friday 24 MayLong Vehi…
Barossa Mayor Bim Lange has praised the State Government for taking affirmative action following the announcement rideshare and chauffeur vehicles can operate statewide.
Be part of growing our Urban Forest. From 15 April to 30 September 2022 Council is giving away FREE advanced native trees for City of Burnside residents to plant in their garden.
The Bell Yett Reserve Master Plan will be a document that outlines a vision to guide the future of the Reserve in a sensitive, planned and complementary way.
West Beach Road has been considered an important gateway to the coastal area between the Cities of West Torrens and Charles Sturt For many years, West Beach Road has been considered an important gate…
‘Buying it Back’ We are prioritising recycled content through our procurement process The City of Charles Sturt is one of nine participating councils in the LGA’s Circular Procurement Pilot Proje…
Notice is hereby given in accordance with Section 54(6) of the Local Government Act 1999, that a vacancy has occurred in the office of Councillor, due to the resignation of Councillor Bryan Sturt Trig…
Interested persons are invited to forward written submissions to the address below prior to 4.00pm Friday 10th May 2024 , attend the Council meeting to present submissions, to ask questions and to add…
Interested persons are invited to forward written submissions to the address below prior to 4.00pm Friday 10th May 2024 , attend the Council meeting to present submissions, to ask questions and to add…
Interested persons are invited to forward written submissions to the address below prior to 4.00pm Friday 10th May 2024 , attend the Council meeting to present submissions, to ask questions and to add…
Exciting concept plans and images have been released for a new Burton Community Hub which will showcase the transformation of the City of Salisbury’s north/west Central Ward.
The community is invited to branch out with an event to mark National Tree Day that will help to reach our goal of planting 10,000 trees along the Little Para River.
Effective close of business Friday 3 April 2020 public access to the Unley Civic Centre, Cottage and Depot Administration Building will be via appointment only.
Pursuant to Section 33 of the Road Traffic Act 1961 notice is hereby given that that the following roads within the Edithurgh township will be closed to traffic on Sunday 8 October 2023.
Pursuant to Section 33 of the Road Traffic Act 1961 notice is hereby given that that the following roads within the Edithurgh township will be closed to traffic on Saturday 7 October and Sunday 8 Octo…