19 Mar, 2019 The Federal Coalition and South Australian governments and the City of Adelaide today put pen to paper on the Adelaide City Deal, designed to boost economic growth, enliven cultural tourism and build the city’s future as a centre of innovation excellence.
RFID tags on Waste Bins We are currently considering the use of RFID tags, initially on new waste and green organics bins when these are replaced in 2021.
????Save the date!!
Dryland Salinity and Hydrogeology Update:
5.30 - 9.00 pm Thursday 28th March
Coomandook Uniting Church Meeting room
Registrations & further info; [email protected]
or sm…
???? This is not something you see every day.???????? This giant fish washed up on our neighbor's shores near the Murray Mouth.
This massive sunfish was discovered at the Murray Mouth a few days ago…