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City of Charles Sturt 20 Aug 2019
Verge Mowing in Charles Sturt

We have added an additional service to our verge mowing schedule.

This winter has been warmer and drier than usual, and over the past month we have had approximately 100ml of rain across metro Adelaide.

Warmer weather plus rain is great for our plants, however it also means our verges have grown rapidly. We have had significant rainfall over the past fortnight and verges are unable to be mowed in significant rainfall.

The added verge mowing service to our regular schedule aims to catch up on the overgrown verges as soon as possible.

With more than 52,000 verges maintained across the City of Charles Sturt, verge mowing is no small task.

Our verge mowing program is not a turf maintenance and mowing service, it’s provided to ensure that the verge areas do not pose an unacceptable risk to the community through long grass which may present a fire hazard, trip hazards, interrupt sight lines for vehicles, cyclists and pedestrians. We offer 4 cuts a year (app every 12 weeks) to local roads and 8 cuts a year (app every 6 weeks) to main roads. At peak growing times, we may add extra services. Previously, peak times have been in October, however this year the peak is occurring in late August.

We strongly encourage residents to mow and maintain the verge in front of their properties if they are able to do so. This not only improves the look of your property but may also encourage your neighbours to do the same, improving the overall amenity of streets across the City.

For further information on verge scheduling, please see Verge Mowing or call us on 8408 1111.

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