Local Government Act 1999, Section 219

Assignment of name to portion of public road

NOTICE is hereby given that the Yorke Peninsula Council (‘the Council’), at its meeting held on 9 August 2023 and pursuant to section 219(1) of the Local Government Act 1999, resolved to assign the name “Bellbird Road” to a portion of public road dividing Sections 13 and 23, Hundred of Coonarie, Foul Bay.

A plan delineating the road and a copy of the Council resolution, are available for inspection on Council’s website at: www.yorke.sa.gov.au.

Dated: 31 August 2023

Andrew Cameron

Chief Executive Officer



 Moved: Cr Adam Meyer Seconded: Cr Tania Stock

That Council:

Endorse to name a portion of unmade, ungazetted, unmaintained Council road reserve dividing Sections 13 and 23, Hundred of Coonarie, Foul Bay as Bellbird Road, with the date of effect being the date of gazettal. Authorise the Mayor and Chief Executive Officer to sign and affix Council’s Common Seal to relevant documents.

CARRIED 192/2023 (9/08/2023)