Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) Request for Expressions of Interest (REOI) 3 x Cropping Licenses Council is the owner of three large, vacant land parcels as described below: Lot 12 Boettcher Road Middleton (approx.
Kerbside Waste Collection Kerbside Waste Collection Weekly waste collection will commence on 17 December 2018 for a six week period Weekly collections of general waste bins in the Alexandrina Counci…
Christmas celebrations across Alexandrina Christmas celebrations across Alexandrina Pageants, carols and fireworks *PLEASE NOTE - Due to unfavourable weather conditions, the Christmas where the Ang…
Alexandrina Business Life - Port Elliot Forum Alexandrina Business Life - Port Elliot Forum Thursday 28 November event postponed Alexandrina Business Life forum on Thursday, 28 November 2018 at the …
The Hooded Plover's breeding season has commenced The Hooded Plover's breeding season has commenced Please take care when using our beaches The Hooded Plover's breeding season has comme…
Elected Members Announced and Council Meetings Elected Members Announced and Council Meetings Scheduled for third Monday of month Following the 2018 Council Elections, Alexandrina Council officially…