News from the Hobart City Council meeting
Hobart City Council 25 Jun 2024
News from the Hobart City Council meeting

Published on 25 June 2024

2024-25 Budget Estimates and Annual Plan

See separate media release.

North Hobart Neighbourhood Plan

The Council has endorsed the release of the draft North Hobart Neighbourhood Plan (Structure Plan) for consultation with key stakeholders and the community.

Community engagement is planned for a period of 6-weeks from mid-July to end of August 2024.

The draft Plan builds on and responds to the community and stakeholder feedback received during the community engagement undertaken for the North Hobart Neighbourhood Plan-Discussion Paper stage.

The draft Plan balances the concerns and aspirations raised during the engagement and seeks to respond to all the issues and opportunities identified, whilst setting out an actionable vision for the further growth of the neighbourhood.

Proposed Lease - Cornelian Bay Sportsground - TasWater

In principle approval is given to lease a section of underutilised Cornelian Bay sportsground to TasWater for a term of one year, followed by a monthly lease for up to two additional years, subject to consultation with Bell Street residents and their feedback being provided to Council.

An amendment was moved to install creative hoardings at the worksite, like those used at TasWater’s Tamar River project.

An additional amendment was moved which stipulates the preferred operating times for the site to be 7am-5pm weekdays, with no weekend work unless necessary, requiring TasWater to consult with nearby residents and Council staff.

The purpose of the lease is to assist TasWater in its ongoing investment in new and improved sewage infrastructure with the construction of a new sewer pipe between Macquarie Point and Selfs Point.

If there are reasonable objections, the Council will reconsider the matter.

Derwent River Ferry Expansion

The Hobart City Council has given in principle approval for the establishment of a new passenger ferry terminal at Sandy Bay, with the terminal site to be agreed upon by the Council at a future meeting and subject to planning approval.

The proposed new passenger ferry terminals at Lindisfarne Sailing Club and Wilkinsons Point are noted.

Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Prevention

The Council has adopted the City of Hobart Prevention of Modern Slavery in Supply Chains Policy.

This policy aims to ensure that the Council addresses modern slavery risks in its supply chains.

Ethical expectations for suppliers will be added to the City of Hobart Code for Tenders and Contracts.

It is understood the Hobart City Council is the first Tasmanian council to adopt such a policy.

Sale of Land - South Hobart

The Council, by absolute majority, affirms its decision of 19 March 2024 to sell part of 136 Wentworth Street and grant a right of way to Homes Tasmania for $400,000.

The Chief Executive Officer is authorised to negotiate and agree on the final terms of the transfer.

Proposed Council Correspondence - Code of Conduct Process Notion of Motion – Cr Anna Reynolds and Cr Gemma Kitsos

The Lord Mayor will write to the Director and Minister of Local Government to request amendments to the Local Government Act 1993 and/or General Regulations 2015 to make conciliation a mandatory step before referring a complaint to the Code of Conduct Panel. If conciliation fails, this will be communicated to the Panel.

Meanwhile, elected members are requested to follow the Elected Member Issues Resolution Policy, attempting to resolve disputes through discussion or mediation before filing a formal Code of Conduct Complaint.

Domain Tennis Centre and Helping Support the New Grant Funding Recommendation Notice of Motion – Cr Will Coats

The Council acknowledges the Domain Tennis Centre (DTC) as Hobart's leading tennis club, supporting community participation in tennis.

It recognises DTC's relationship with the City as a tenant of the City-owned facility and its goal to increase tennis participation in Tasmania, aligning with the City’s health and wellbeing objectives.

The Council notes DTC's recent grant successes for facility improvements and calls on the City of Hobart to support DTC in utilising these grants and promoting them to the wider community.