Isabella reflecting on her first public art exhibition
West Tamar Council 29 Jun 2024

Monday, 12 February 2024

Isabella reflecting on her first public art exhibition 16yo college student to take centre stage in Beaconsfield

Ever since she was a young girl in kindergarten, Isabella Topperwien had her heart - and her mind - set on one day becoming a professional artist.

 Fast forward some 12 years and for Isabella, that dream is edging closer to becoming a reality.

 Later this month, the 16 year-old, Launceston college student from Beauty Point will debut her first solo art exhibition at the Beaconsfield Community Hall Function Centre.

 Isabelle - or just Bella to her friends - explains that she has always had a passion for art.

 "My dad and my pop were both involved in the arts," she says, proudly.

 "I remember when I was in kindergarten, I painted a butterfly and people were shocked at how good it was."

 And since then, Bella has been studiously honing her skills on a daily basis.

WHAT: Inner Reflections by Isabella Topperwien WHEN: Saturday, February 17 - 10am to 4pm and Sunday, February 18 - 10am to 4pm WHERE: Beaconsfield Community Hall Function Centre, Weld Street, Beaconsfield

Bella's skills are obvious to see - her vividly colourful expressions jump from the page in an explosion of passion and raw talent.

 While she does paint on canvas on occasion, her preference has always been ink markers.

 "It's how I learn and I'm much more confident using them. I guess I would describe my art as very colourful and maybe a little bit crazy," she says, laughing.

Bella also paid tribute to her mother for always believing in her and being her number one supporter.

"I may have never gotten into art if it wasn't for my mum (Heather) continuously supporting my dreams of becoming an artist, and spending so much time and money on my goals," Bella says.

"I hope to continue to have exhibitions, and get my name out into the world as it is my dream to become a successful artist one day.

"And I do want to university and study art, and further develop skills in other areas."

Bella's upcoming exhibition, titled Inner Reflections, will run over two days - Saturday and Sunday, February 17 to 18 from 10am to 4pm each day.

All 30-plus pieces on display will be available for sale, and Bella hopes to use the money she raises to set up her own professional art website.

Bella's exhibition is supported by the West Tamar Council’s Youth Mentor Program and the Irene Phelps Trust.