Published on 25 February 2025
Petition - Request for Public Meeting
The City of Hobart has received and is now able to confirm more than 1000 signatures for the Collins Street Bike Lanes petition have been acquired. The City will hold a public meeting on 25 March 2025, starting at 5.30pm at either the Town Hall or City Hall. (A final decision on the venue will be made by the Chief Executive Officer based on the number of ticket registrations and relevant venue capacity.)
Ticket registration and public submissions will be open from next Monday 3 March 2025.
E-scooter Review for the City of Hobart
The Hobart City Council has voted to continue e-scooter services and will initiate a public procurement process for a new permit, which may include e-bikes and improved parking controls. Updated permit conditions will be considered at a future Council meeting. The decision comes after the City reviewed the operation of commercial hire-and-ride e-scooters and found they contribute to reducing congestion and emissions while providing a low-cost transport option. A recent independent Community survey found that support for the service continues to increase, and incident rates remain low. The survey findings also found that there is still concern over incorrect e-scooter parking and the City will continue to work to educate riders on the importance of using designated parking bays and where these aren’t available, parking them in a way that doesn’t pose a risk to others.
Following an amendment, the City of Hobart will conduct an audit of roads where personal mobility devices (PMDs) use may be restricted and take necessary steps to designate approved roads and make sure the community are aware of these. The CEO is delegated to make these declarations, with updates provided to the Council. Additionally, the City will consider prohibiting PMDs and bicycles on footpaths next to protected bike lanes.
Quarterly Financial Report - 31 December 2024
The Quarterly Financial Report as of 31 December 2024 shows the budget is heading in the right direction with a forecasted full-year surplus of $1.3 million. Capital spending reached $8.5 million, which was allocated to a number of community projects. The report was noted, and the proposed budget variations for 2024-25 were approved.
Line Marking on Local Government Roads
The City of Hobart has identified ongoing issues with responsibility for line marking on local roads, stemming from confusion between State and Local Government. The current State funding allocation is inadequate to meet safety requirements, and no formal process has been established to resolve this uncertainty. To address this, the Council will propose a motion at the next LGAT meeting, calling on the State Government to increase funding for line marking on Local Government roads to meet safe operating standards.
Following an amendment, the Council requested the CEO include funding in the 2025/26 draft budget for a multi-year line marking renewal program to restore City of Hobart roads to national standards, while LGAT and the State Government consider funding models.
Ombudsman Report - Personal Information Protection Act Breaches Notice of Motion – Cr Louise Elliot
The Council has acknowledged the Ombudsman’s determination that Hobart City Council breached the Personal Information Protection Act on four occasions.
This is the third legislative non-compliance issue related to Councillor Louise Elliot’s attempt to book Town Hall, following breaches of the Anti-Discrimination Act, Right to Information Act, and Personal Information Protection Act in 2023. That Council noted and commended the CEO for promptly acting on the Ombudsman's recommendations.
Volunteer Awards Policy Notice of Motion - Cr Louise Elliot
The City of Hobart will prepare a new policy to provide a consistent framework guiding how awards are made to volunteers which will return to Council for approval later this year.
Midson Report - Collins Street Notice of Motion - Ald Louise Bloomfield
The City of Hobart noted the January 2025 Midson Report on Collins Street Bicycle Lanes Technical Assessment.
Grant Funding - Hobart Football Club Notice of Motion - Cr Will Coats
Council acknowledges the Hobart Football Club’s successful $150,000 state government grant for upgrades to the TCA Ground, a City of Hobart-owned facility that benefits community sport. However, final project costs have increased to $240,000, leaving a $25,000 funding gap despite additional contributions from AFL Tasmania and in-kind sponsorships. Given Council’s investment in other sporting facilities and internal funding constraints, officers, through the CEO, are empowered to assess the project and, if justified, authorise the remaining funds from the emergency contingency budget.