Plan recognises Aboriginal heritage Published on 22 October 2019 A draft plan that will guide the City of Hobart’s work in relation to Aboriginal people and heritage in Tasmania has been released for …
Concerts celebrate pipe organ milestone Published on 22 October 2019 Hobart Town Hall’s spectacular pipe organ will be the centrepiece in a series of music performances that will lead to the instrumen…
Lights will throw an icy shade of blue across key Hobart landmarks as the city welcomes hundreds of Antarctic expeditioners from across the globe from next week.
Smoke-free parks a breath of fresh air Published on 15 October 2019 Hobart is today a step closer to becoming a smoke-free city, with three new smoke-free areas providing a breath of fresh air.
Caravan conjures positive words Published on 04 October 2019 Hobartians will have an opportunity to experience the power of positive words with Rose Turtle Ertler’s Complimentary Caravan hosted by the…
News from Council Meeting - 23 September 2019 Published on 23 September 2019 Public art funding boost A funding increase for public art is expected to improve public amenity and provide new opportuni…