June 2024 Council Meeting wrap

Last updated on 27 June 2024

The following matters were considered and endorsed at the June 2024 Council Meeting:

Upcoming community consultations endorsed:

Draft Kyneton Urban Design Framework – This high-level, strategic document aims to establish a future vision – including indicative streetscape and precinct plans, opportunities for tangible public realm improvements and built form guidelines for new development – in and around Kyneton’s main commercial areas of High Street, Mollison Street and Piper Street.

Council will invite community feedback on this draft over a four-week period, starting in July.

Endorsed following community consultation:

Draft Stanley Park Infrastructure Master Plan – A total of 55 submissions were received and considered in relation to guiding the future infrastructure at Stanley Park in Mount Macedon. Council approved the Infrastructure Master Plan with changes including retaining the playground in its current location, retaining the barbecue and removing reference to future facilities to the north-east corner of the site.

Draft Lease and Licence Policy – A total of seven (six written, one verbal) submissions were received and considered in relation to arrangements on Council premises between Council and tenants, with changes including a category change for neighbourhood houses and wording clarifications to better reflect current practice.

Draft Fair Access Policy – One formal submission/survey response was received and considered in relation to tackling gender inequality when considering community sports infrastructure, with minor changes made to include more inclusive wording.

Draft Kyneton Movement Network Plan (2024-2033) – A total of 52 submissions were received and considered to improve travel around Kyneton, with all 129 potential projects – 13 added following feedback – reconsidered with updated priority rankings under a revised multi-criteria analysis. As a result, the plan now includes the final top 30 projects.

Draft Riddells Creek Movement Network Plan (2024-2033) – A total of 29 submissions were received and considered to improve travel around Riddells Creek, with all 112 projects reconsidered with updated priority rankings under a revised multi-criteria analysis. As a result, the plan now includes the final top 38 projects (11 projects tied at the same score).

Draft Romsey Skate Park Design – One written/email submission was received and considered in relation to proposed designs for a new Romsey Skate Park, with this feedback – requesting increased shade and a box jump – presented to the Lancefield Romsey Lions Club for consideration in finalising the design (noting that a box jump is already part of designs).

Other matters endorsed:

Goldfields Library transition – Local Government Act 2020 changes are resulting in the dissolution of Regional Library Corporations across the state by 2030, but instead allowing councils to consider delivering any service – including libraries – that might benefit from a collective approach with other councils.

To maintain library services for the Macedon Ranges and continue this shared service delivery with other councils, Council has committed to establishing a new collective Library Service Beneficial Enterprise and is instructing Goldfields Library Corporation to develop the documentation required for this transition.

First Right of Refusal – Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre – As part of standard Victorian Government processes for surplus land (First Right of Refusal process), Council was among those first offered to acquire the former Malmsbury Youth Justice Centre.

Council is formally refusing this offer, noting that future uses of the site are unlikely to align with services currently provided by Council. However, Council is committed to advocating on behalf of the community to consider the community’s preferences for this site.

Draft Financial Reserves Policy – This policy, which supports the sustainable and responsible management of Council's cash balances and financial reserves, has been reviewed and revised to better reflect current practice.

Updates to the policy include more detail in relation to public open space reserves; the closure of a reserve; consolidating four existing public open space reserves into three to reflect Council’s geographic Wards; and the creation of a Resource Recovery Reserve.

Smoke Free Outdoor Areas Policy – A review of Council’s Smoke-Free Outdoor Areas Policy 2017 acknowledged that state legislation has been updated to align with or exceed Council’s provisions. Council has therefore repealed its policy and will rely on state legislation to regulate smoking in outdoor areas.

Capital Works Monitoring – In the final monthly Capital Works Monitoring report of the 2023-24 financial year, Council noted a series of budget returns or additions to infrastructure projects, resulting in an additional 15 projects being carried forward to 2024-25 and an overall program surplus of $467,918.69.

This surplus will be transferred in part to the 2024-25 Capital Works Program budget, and in part to the Plant Replacement Reserve to help support Council’s net-zero goal of including more hybrid and electric vehicles in its fleet.

Inquiry into Local Government funding and services – Council will make a submission to the Victorian Legislative Council in response to its inquiry into Local Government Funding and Services.

This submission notes ongoing challenges faced by Council including revenue structures, cost shifting and the maintenance of road assets, while also making proposals such as a review of inputs to rate capping and providing predictable, longer-term funding to councils.


Video recordings of past Council meetings are available on the Council Meeting webcast page (generally available within two business days of a meeting).