Council Meeting Snapshot - Wednesday 3 July 2024

Published on 03 July 2024

To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 3 July Council Meeting.           

Community Infrastructure Petition Response - Fire Extinguisher Maintenance within Baw Baw Shire

Council moved an alternate motion to defer the report to the September Council Meeting.

Response to General Business Motion - Drainage and Sewage Infrastructure

Council noted the report and work completed on the Longwarry Drainage Strategy due to be completed in 2024. 

Council will write to South East Water and the Water Minister expressing concerns about the egress of sewage into stormwater from the storm event in January 2024.

Improved Cycling Infrastructure

Council noted the community consultation, feedback from the Cycling Projects Reference Group (CPRG) and investigation works into options for improved cycling infrastructure within Baw Baw Shire. 

Council endorsed officers to proceed with site investigations and the development of a concept design for a bike pump track at Burke Street Park in Warragul. Including providing the opportunity for wider community consultation on the draft concept design, once developed.

Council supported the use of the remaining 23/24 project budget as seed funding for a future grant application to enable the delivery of the bike pump track as per the developed concept design. 

Council deferred the update of the Skate and BMX strategy (2012 to 2030) that would include bike jumps and Mountain Biking facilities until the completion of the Open Space Strategy at which time Council will be required to determine the prioritisation and ranking of all identified strategies to be completed by Council.

Response to General Business Motion - Warragul BMX Track

Council received and noted the report in response to the General Business Motion on the Warragul BMX track raised by Councillor Goss at the 3 April 2024 Council Meeting. 

Tree Management Policy and Tree Management Plan

Council adopted the Tree Management Policy and noted the Tree Management Plan.

Council rescinded the Trees on Rural Roads Policy, Tree Management Policy, Tree Inspection Policy, and Tree Inspection Guidelines, which the Tree Management Policy and Plan have superseded. 

Council delegated authority to the Director Community Infrastructure to periodically review the Tree Management Plan. 

Strategy and Organisational Performance

Draft Procurement Policy 2024

Council endorsed the Draft Procurement Policy 2024 and endorsed officers to undertake community consultation on the Draft Procurement Policy from 4 July 2024 to 25 July 2024.

Draft Kindergarten Services Policy

Council endorsed the Kindergarten Services Policy.

Governance and Information Services Future use of 12 George Street, Warragul

Council moved to:

Note the interim lease agreement up until 30 June 2025, sent to Scope Australia on 23 May 2024 and executed on 19 June 2024; Procee with essential safety and building compliance upgrades, estimated at $202,000 exc GST, to allow Scope and/or other tenants to safely remain in the building, noting the requirements of Point 4 of this resolution; Refers the required $202,000 of funding for essential safety upgrades and building compliance upgrades to the 2025/26 Annual Budget for consideration of the Council post the 2024 election; Note decanting to maintain service delivery during the essential safety and building compliance upgrades is the responsibility of Scope, should the essential safety works coincide with the period of their lease, and will not be the responsibility of Council; and, A further report be presented to Council in December 2024 seeking a resolution of Council regarding a long-term lease at the site and the future of kindergarten services at the site.
Sale of Trafalgar Business Centre - 107 Princess Highway, Trafalgar

Council moved an amended recommendation that sought to ensure the funds from the sale of the property would be used to help fund the development of a second sports oval at the Trafalgar Recreation Reserve. The motion was won 5 - 3.

Bereavement Motion

Cr Kostos moved a bereavement motion for the late Neil Joiner, who recently passed away. Council extend its sincere condolences to the family of Neil Joiner on his recent passing and will write a letter of condolence on behalf of Council to his family.

Baw Baw Shire Council Council Meetings are open to the public and are held at the West Gippsland Arts Centre.

Council Meetings will be held on the first Wednesday of the month and commence at 1.00pm for a 6 month trial period.

Following the conclusion of the trial on 30 June 2024, Council will either revert back to twice-monthly Council Meetings at 5.30pm or resolve to continue once-monthly Council Meetings.

All Council meetings will be live-streamed, and archived recordings will be available on the Council website for viewing.

The agenda for the next meeting will be available online the Friday prior to the meeting.