Maddens, Morehouses Bridge roads to close for repairs

Published on 14 March 2025

Motorists travelling between Glenfyne and Timboon should plan their route over the next month while two roads are closed for culvert work.

Council has engaged contractors to carry out works on Maddens Bridge Road, at The Curdies River crossing, and Morehouses Bridge Road, at the existing slip location.

Corangamite Shire Council Manager Works Lyall Bond said works were scheduled to start in the week from Friday 21 March.

“Due to the nature of these projects the need to close both roads at the same time is unavoidable,” Mr Bond said.

“Both these roads are regularly closed due to flooding. The works need to be completed prior to increased rainfall to ensure the roads can stay open longer in the future.

“Depending on weather and any circumstances beyond Council’s control, we expect works will be finished by early May.”

Both roads will be closed to through traffic with local property access maintained as follows:

Maddens Bridge Road Cobden Warrnambool Road to 195 Maddens Bridge Road Digneys Bridge Road to 378 Maddens Bridge Road Morehousesw Bridge Road Cobden Warrnambool Road to Davies Road Digneys Bridge Road to 250 Morehouses Bridge Road

All residents have been notified.

The two 1200 mm diameter culvert on Maddens Bridge Road will be replaced with 3 m-wide x 2.4 m-high concrete culverts and the road raised by 1.25 m.

Work on Morehouses Bridge Road is to fix a slip that happened some time ago.

Funding has now been approved and a retaining structure will be installed on the bend.