Ararat Wind Farm Opens Sustainable Community Grants Fund 2025

The Ararat Wind Farm Pty Ltd is proud to once again provide the Sustainable Community Grants Fund for 2025. The fund provides financial support to promote social and environmental sustainability initiatives for the benefit of the communities within the municipalities of Ararat Rural City, Northern Grampians and the Pyrenees. 

This fund is part of the Ararat Wind Farm’s community investment program.

Funding of up to $7,500 or $15,000 (with a co-contribution) are on offer to support projects in the categories of Sustainable Environment; Education and Youth; Social, Health and Wellbeing; and Cultural Diversity and Creative Arts.

To be eligible to apply, groups or organisations must demonstrate that they are a not-for-profit entity or local community group, and that their project or program is relevant to the Fund’s selection criteria; to see all eligibility requirements, visit Council’s website.

Each year the grants program increases the total grant pool in line with CPI with the funding being shared across the three municipalities of Ararat Rural City, Northern Grampians Shire and Pyrenees Shire Councils.

The Ararat Wind Farm Sustainable Grants Program is open for a period of 3 weeks commencing on Monday 24 March 2025, and closing on Sunday 13 April 2025. 

“This supportive program has contributed close to $600,000 of grant funding to our region’s community projects since 2017,” says Ararat Rural City Council Mayor, Cr Jo Armstrong. “Council is very proud to have been involved with the facilitation of Ararat Wind Farm’s projects since its inception, aligning with our commitment to renewable energy targets as well as returning wealth to the community through initiatives like the Sustainable Community Grants Fund.”

For more information visit the dedicated page on Council’s site (, or to discuss your proposal with Council please contact Phillippa Cairns on 0437 715 673 or email [email protected].