Calling on community to lead landslip recovery

Calling on community to lead landslip recovery

Alpine Shire Council and Emergency Recovery Victoria are coordinating the formation of the volunteer Kiewa Valley Community Recovery Group (CRG).  Alpine Shire Mayor John Forsyth said the establishment of a CRG plays a critical part in supporting community-centred recovery, so that affected communities can lead and drive their own recovery processes.  "The CRG will represent communities across the Upper Kiewa Valley, including Bogong Village, Mount Beauty, Tawonga South, Tawonga and Dederang, ensuring local knowledge and expertise are front and centre in creating a long term, community-centred recovery plan," he said.  "Their role will not only be to plan, coordinate and lead the recovery process, but give a voice to the broad views, priorities and recovery goals of affected communities, providing a link between them, Council, Emergency Recovery Victoria, and other state government agencies."  Some of the responsibilities of the group may be to engage and consult with community members to better understand their recovery needs and listen to their ideas, develop, implement and update a Community Recovery Plan that includes short, medium and long-term priorities, and keep communities informed of recovery issues, plans and actions.  Council and Emergency Recovery Victoria will provide support to the Group, including attending meetings and undertaking secretariat duties.  Cr Forsyth said Council is seeking nominations from community members who represent a broad cross-section of interests and views of the affected communities.    "Nominees will be required to demonstrate that they have an interest in and understand the local community they represent," he said.  "Group members will be expected to provide insight and two-way communication with their whole community and networks."  Ratepayers in the Kiewa Valley who live outside of the Alpine Shire can also nominate for the Group.  More information about Kiewa Valley CRG can be found here.
Alpine Shire
17 Apr 2023
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Council announces cost of three bin system

Council announces cost of three bin system

The $95 increase will apply to around 5,000 properties within the Alpine Shire which will move to a fortnightly 80L waste and fortnightly 240L recycling collections, as well as a weekly 240L FOGO coll…
Alpine Shire
6 Apr 2023
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Park improvements in time for ANZAC Day

Park improvements in time for ANZAC Day

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Alpine Shire
5 Apr 2023
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Celebrations for Tawonga Tourist Park reopening

Celebrations for Tawonga Tourist Park reopening

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Alpine Shire
4 Apr 2023
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Landslip support for Kiewa Valley community grows

Landslip support for Kiewa Valley community grows

Council has already been working on various initiatives to help reduce the economic impact of the road closure to the local community, including working on various tourism campaigns to promote Mount B…
Alpine Shire
24 Mar 2023
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Spotlight on sport and recreation spaces

Spotlight on sport and recreation spaces

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Alpine Shire
1 Mar 2023
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