To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 12 July 2023 Council meeting.
After the difficulties of running an in-person venue during the COVID-19 lockdowns, the West Gippsland Arts Centre is now having its busiest year on record.
An intelligent local sensing network, known as the Baw Baw Information Network (BBIN), has been installed throughout remote locations across the Shire to deliver 24-hour monitoring of environmental co…
Residents invited to respond to draft Walhalla Masterplan Published on 10 July 2023 Following a thorough consultation program with local residents and stakeholders, a draft masterplan has been develop…
WGAC and Fiddlesticks announce free music program for little ones Published on 06 July 2023 Little hands will be clapping and toes will be tapping thanks to a free program of music activities for chil…
Seeking local events and activities for Victorian Senior’s Festival Published on 30 June 2023 Council is now inviting local businesses, community groups and organisations to submit an Expression of In…
Councillors advocate in Canberra for funding and support for growth Published on 29 June 2023 Deputy Mayor Michael Leaney has advocated for Baw Baw Shire interests at the Australian Local Government A…