Council endorses Draft Baw Baw Civic Precinct Master Plan Published on 22 December 2020 Community members will have a range of opportunities to get involved in refining the design for the Baw Baw Civic Precinct in the new year. Baw Baw Shire Council endorsed a draft master plan for the site at its meeting on 16 December and encouraged the community to share their views.
Baw Baw Shire plans for major waste and recycling reforms Published on 21 December 2020 Food scraps into weekly green waste collections, fortnightly rubbish bin collections, glass recycling and new b…
Council Meeting Snapshot - Wednesday 16 December Published on 17 December 2020 To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’…
Summer wastewater sampling in Walhalla Published on 14 December 2020 Baw Baw Shire Council will undertake extensive water sampling in Walhalla over the summer.
Council volunteers are now able to resume their roles to support Council’s Aged and Disability Services team, following the easing of COVID-19 restrictions.