Nominate our local legends for an Australia Day Award Published on 20 October 2020 As of the date of signing, the Chief Executive Officer has certified that this material is not considered to be elect…
To keep our community up to date with key Council decisions, outcomes and plans; here is a snapshot summary from Council’s Wednesday 14 October 2020 ordinary meeting.
Landholders encouraged to prepare for noxious weed season Published on 13 October 2020 As of the date of signing, the Chief Executive Officer has certified that this material is not considered to be e…
Walk, ride or scoot to school this October Published on 12 October 2020 As of the date of signing, the Chief Executive Officer has certified that this material is not considered to be electoral materi…
Current Council prepares for its final meeting Published on 09 October 2020 As of the date of signing, the Chief Executive Officer has certified that this material is not considered to be electoral ma…
Council offers outdoor dining options for hospitality businesses Published on 28 September 2020 As of the date of signing, the Chief Executive Officer has certified that this material is not considere…