Hardship policy addendum to support effects of COVID-19 Published on 13 August 2020 Council has adopted a Hardship Policy COVID-19 Addendum to support community members and businesses facing financial hardship as a result of the pandemic.
Landscape plan for Bellbird Park endorsed Published on 13 August 2020 A landscape plan for Drouin’s Bellbird Park has been adopted by Council to guide future use and development of the 23 hectare acti…
At a Special Council Meeting held on Wednesday 5 August, Council heard 26 community member and group submissions for consideration in the upcoming Council Plan, annual Budget, Long Term Financial Plan…
Stage 3 restrictions impact Council services Published on 06 August 2020 As Baw Baw Shire and the whole of regional Victoria once again enter Stage 3 restrictions, several Council services will be tem…
Arts project to bridge the gap towards better health in Baw Baw Published on 06 August 2020 Baw Baw Shire Council and Arts and Health Gippsland have received a grant through VicHealth’s Everyday Creat…