Omeo will be a hub of activity this weekend as hundreds of riders converge on the town for the Yamaha Australian Off-Road Championship.05/10/2018Find out more ...
Ferry signs receive LED treatment Thursday 04 October Signage at both Raymond Island and Paynesville has been improved for all users of East Gippsland Shire Council’s Raymond Island Ferry.
Nineteen local groups will share in $55,120.50 funding to deliver community projects and events across East Gippsland Shire.03/10/2018Find out more ...
Assistance for arts and heritage projects Thursday 04 October Four arts and four heritage projects will share in about $28,000 of East Gippsland Shire Council funding for a combined project investment…
David Hobson show postponed Wednesday 03 October Council advises the performance of 'An intimate evening with David Hobson', scheduled for Thursday evening, has been postponed.
Sustainability sessions for schools Tuesday 02 October Environmental education teachers have an opportunity to attend training locally that is usually only offered in metropolitan areas.
Council to formalise appointment of new CEO Monday 01 October East Gippsland Shire Council will formalise the appointment of Mr Anthony Basford as its new Chief Executive Officer at its Ordinary Counc…
Swifts Creek park reopened Thursday 27 September Swifts Creek Caravan and Tourist Park has reopened for campers and caravanners after key infrastructure works and service upgrades undertaken by East G…