East Gippsland welcomed five new citizens from Thailand, Ireland, the United Kingdom, South Africa and South Korea at a civic ceremony conducted on Australia Day.02/02/2018Find out more ...
The peak tourist season is still underway, but interim statistics from Lakes Entrance and surrounds indicates visitors have flocked to the area during the summer break, East Gippsland Shire Council sa…
Due to favourable weather conditions, the Lindenow-Glenaladale Road bridge project will finish four weeks ahead of schedule. There may be some minor delays however the bridge will have 24/7 access fro…
East Gippsland Shire Council has announced the winners of its shire-wide Australia Day awards at a civic ceremony held in Lakes Entrance today.23/01/2018Find out more ...
A sustained spate of vandalism on public assets in Bairnsdale and Lakes Entrance is costing ratepayers and depriving residents and visitors of access to important facilities, East Gippsland Shire Coun…
The community of Bemm River has purchased a building for its new Men’s Shed group, handing the cheque over to East Gippsland Shire Council recently.11/01/2018Find out more ...