Attendance at Mitchell Shire Council’s three outdoor pools is up by 14 per cent compared to last year with more than 15,000 pool visits through the 100-day outdoor pool season.
Construction of the new $3.7 million Wallan Integrated Early Learning Centre is expected to start by late April, after Mitchell Shire Council awarded a tender for construction at the March Council mee…
Pet registration renewals are due 10 April 2016. If you have not received your renewal notice, please contact Community Compliance on 03 5734 6200. For new animal registrations visit our Registrations…
A special meeting of the Mitchell Shire Council will be held in the Council Chamber, 113 High Street Broadford on Monday 11 April 2016 commencing at 6.45pm. The business to be transacted at this speci…
Female athletes at Greenhill Reserve in Wallan will be better supported thanks to an important funding boost from the State Government to provide much needed unisex sporting facilities.