We’re upgrading St Vincent Gardens playground #AlbertPark. Meet the team on 23 or 25 May and tell us what you would like to see. Or visit Have Your Say http://ow.ly/K4Ud30oJ1wu
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Port Phillip Council is urging the Victorian Government to take a leadership role in recycling and waste management to help create a future where no waste lands in landfill. #CoPPnews
Read more- http…
Council meeting tonight at 6.30 pm at #StKilda Town Hall. Come along, tune in via Facebook Live or live stream: http://webcast.portphillip.vic.gov.au
Agenda: http://www.portphillip.vic.gov.au/may-201…
Ageing, remembering and rebirth. Three times the Intrigue at Carlisle Street Arts Space #CoPPNews http://ow.ly/rSb630oJ1J2
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Are you passionate about contributing to your local creative community? Nominate for a City of Port Phillip’s Arts and Heritage Reference Committees. Nominations close 30 June. More info http://www.po…
Have you or someone you care for used a Changing Places Toilet or Marveloo? The DHSS would like your feedback to improve these facilities and identify the best locations to build more http://ow.ly/W4Z…
We’ll be popping up at #StKilda library today, 10.30-12 pm. Come say hi and chat to us about access and inclusion http://ow.ly/RWKV30os8CQ
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Closing soon! Do you use our childcare, kindergartens, playgroups and toy libraries? We’re developing a new policy. Tell us what you think http://ow.ly/fgZv30osUbY
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Do you live, work in or visit the Domain Precinct? We want your feedback on potential projects to improve the area.
To share your feedback or register for a workshop visit http://haveyoursay.portph…