Perenjori is located in the very heart of wildflower country and offers visitors the opportunity to view some of the most magnificent displays of Australian native flowering plants in the country.
Shire of Capel Trails Management Group The Shire of Capel has received funding from Lotterywest to create a heritage trail in the central part of Boyanup, and has contracted experienced interpretation…
Published: Wednesday, 19 September 2018 at 2:55:03 PM TOWN WI-FI TEMPORARILY UNAVAILABLE Due to ongoing technical issues the town free wi-fi continues to be unavailable.
Two firefighting brigades united by their goal of helping and protecting their isolated Pilbara community have taken out the title of the State’s top firefighting team. The 2018 Firefighting Award...
Extension of Road Closure Published on 19 September 2018 EXTENSION OF ROAD CLOSURE - MARSHALL ROAD, BENNETT SPRINGS AND DAYTON BOULEVARD, DAYTON The closure of a portion of Marshall Road, Bennett Spri…
Home >News >Tom Price Courts to be closed during the holidays News Tom Price Courts to be closed during the holidays Sep 19 2018 Due to a number of recent vandalism incidents at the Tom Price c…