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Published on 10 February 2022
The City of Swan 2020/21 Annual report has been presented to the Electors’ Annual General Meeting.
The report is a snapshot of the City’s activities over the 12 months from July 1 2020 to June 30 2021, and details the progress made on projects and actions in the four-year Corporate Business Plan 2020/21 – 2023/24.
The report demonstrated the City was in a sound financial position, despite a year that again challenged the City and the community.
“In my first year as CEO, I have enjoyed working with our community to deliver important services and projects across the City of Swan,” Mr Edwards said.
Elected members and City staff prioritised the delivery of vital community services to support residents and ratepayers, particularly following the devastating Wooroloo and Gidgegannup bushfire and the continued impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
“A priority for the year was to continue to focus our efforts on supporting our people and businesses,” Mr Edwards said.
“We continued to provide assistance and link to support services to help our community get back on its feet.
“As we look to the future, I will be looking at ways that we can enhance our community’s views are heard and inputted into the Council decision making processes.”
A continued focus on community benefits for residents saw the City invest more than $126.3m in capital expenditure for key projects including transport infrastructure and roads, recreation facilities and community amenities.
Significant City achievements for 2020/21 included:
Delivering a new Strategic Community Plan, which details the City’s vision and aspirations for the next decade and sets out the key strategies and actions required to achieve them. The continued delivery of the City’s Economic Stimulus Package to assist residents, ratepayers and businesses from the financial impacts of COVID-19. Providing $476,000 of relief for impacted residents of the Wooroloo bushfire. Implementing a range of business support and advisory measures to help the local business community navigate challenges presented by COVID-19. Being re-enlisted as a Gold Waterwise Council after meeting water usage targets for a sustainable future. Reviewing the Sustainable Environment Strategy for the management of the City’s diverse fauna. Winning several awards including 2020 Youth Focus Make a Difference Awards Community Partner Award for the City of Swan LGBTQIA+ drop in service.