The City of Rockingham welcomes the announcement from Premier Roger Cook that $7 million in funding will be made available for the upgrade of the intersection of Baldivis Road and Kulija Road.
City of Rockingham Mayor Deb Hamblin said the City has been advocating for an upgrade to the intersection for several years and has been working with Main Roads WA (MRWA) on a feasibility study.
“The intersection experiences significant congestion in peak hours, with traffic banking up to access the Kwinana Freeway.” Mayor Hamblin said.
“The City is very pleased to see the state government has promised funding to improve this intersection.”
While grade separation of the intersection remains the ultimate solution, interim solutions are also required to address the immediate safety and congestion issues.
The City and MRWA have considered a number of options including a roundabout and movement restriction. Based on the feasibility study and modelling, the best solution at this stage will be the installation of traffic signals at the intersection.
Due to the complexities of the site, including the differing levels of the surrounding landscape, and the proximity of major underground utility services at the intersection, the proposed upgrade will require detail design by multiple parties.
The City also notes the proposed widening of the Kwinana Freeway announced by the Premier stops at Mortimer Road, well short of the City of Rockingham.
Mayor Deb Hamblin said the City was disappointed to see the proposed widening project does not extend further south.
“In November 2024 Council resolved to advocate for the widening of the Kwinana Freeway, north of Safety Bay Road, in order to address existing heavy congestion and future additional traffic issues," she said.
“Terminating the widening project at Mortimer Road is an opportunity lost for the people who will have to continue dealing with peak hour crawl for many kilometres every morning and afternoon. We are very disappointed with this outcome and will continue to advocate to the state government for a solution which addresses the growing traffic congestion our residents and visitors are forced to endure.”
???? Aerial image sourced from Landgate.