When you arrive home: Wear a face mask and protective clothing Walk around the outside of your house to check for hazards Be wary of items such as glass shards, corrugated iron, and rubble that could cause injury or infection Do not touch damaged asbestos, chemical containers, firearms, ammunition or explosives (contact local authorities for advice) Do not drink or cook with water from your water tank, as it may be contaminated Rainwater tanks The Shire advises you: Activate your water tank diverters before washing down rooftops.
More information is available at https://www.amrshire.wa.gov.au/services/environmental-health/asbestos For more information on recovering from bushfire visit https://www.dfes.wa.gov.au/site/bushfire/recovery.html#returning-home VISITING THE FIRE AFFECTED AREA People are asked to avoid non-essential travel to the fire-affected areas.
INJURED WILDLIFE If you spot injured wildlife please contact Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055 and you will be placed in contact with available fauna specialists.
Shire of Augusta-Margaret River
12 Dec 2021
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