City Beach Lifeguard Saves Two Young Lives Published on 28 July 2023 A potential tragedy at City Beach was averted earlier this month thanks to the brave and swift actions of Ethan Lewins, an additional on-duty Surf Life Saving WA lifeguard contracted by the Town of Cambridge.
opens in new tab or window Election Candidate Information Briefing Webinar Published on 28 July 2023 The Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) together with the Departmen…
Starting Monday, 17 July 2023, all turfed areas within the Town of Cambridge's parks and reserves will be treated with a broadleaf selective herbicide to remove prickles and clover.
Starting Monday, 17 July 2023, all turfed areas within the Town of Cambridge's parks and reserves will be treated with a broadleaf selective herbicide to remove prickles and clover.
Cr Jane Cutler Apology Published on 06 July 2023 The Town’s administration was advised by the Standards Panel that an apology by Cr Cutler was required to be made at the meeting.
Cambridge Memory Cafe Trials New Locale Published on 06 July 2023 Members of the Town’s Cambridge Memory Café program have trialled the Wembley Community Centre (WCC) as a new venue for their monthly …
In Person Voting to Remain at Town of Cambridge Published on 05 July 2023 The Town of Cambridge’s Council has upheld the original decision made on 5 April 2023 to allow both in-person and postal votin…