Christmas and New Year Waste Collection Posted on 23 December 2021 Posted in News The Shire of Collie wishes to advise there will be NO CHANGES to waste collection for the 2021/22 Christmas and New Year Period.
TOTAL FIRE BAN FRIDAY 10 DECEMBER A reminder that the Total Fire Ban declared on Thursday 9 December, continues all day today, Friday 10 December until midnight.
Notice of Special Meeting of Council The Shire of Collie is holding a Special Meeting of Council for the purpose of: The Special Meeting will be held at the Shire of Collie Council Chambers (87 Thross…
RESTRICTED BURNING PERIOD 2 NOVEMBER TO 14 DECEMBER 2021 The entirety of the Shire of Collie enters its Restricted Burning Period on Tuesday 2 November.
A special meeting of Council is scheduled to be held on Tuesday 26 October 2021, commencing at 5.30pm in Council Chambers for the swearing in of newly elected Council Members.