In an effort to further reduce waste, The Shire of Collie is transitioning to being as paperless as possible, and therefore has elected to provide the 2020- 2021 Waste Calendar primarily in digital format.
Please be advised that the next Ordinary Meeting of Council to be held in Council Chambers on Tuesday 14 July 2020 will be commencing at 6.00pm to allow for Budget Considerations.
After many years of service to the Collie community, Councillor Ian Miffling JP was recognised in the 2020 Queen’s birthday honours by receiving the Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) award.
The Minninup Pool Tourism Precinct Development is progressing in accord with the Minninup Pool Demand and Pre-feasibility Study prepared by Brighthouse that was endorsed by Shire of Collie Council in …
With the easing of restrictions, Council has decided the next Council Meeting will be conducted at the Council Office in Chambers on Tuesday 2 June 2020 commencing at 7.00pm.
In its first meeting in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic crisis, the Shire of Collie Council has resolved to implement immediate measures to relieve financial pressure on the Collie community.